There are two major ways to charge payments via card:

  • With Auth
  • Without Auth

When making card payment with Auth, after the payment has been created by the Pay Order API, the Verify Order API needs to be called to verify and complete the payment

Payload Examples

The reference field contains the unique reference for the payment.

The paymentoption field refers to the payment method selected.

The country field contains the ISO 3166-1 country code.

The card object contains the payment information.

The payload is then encrypted and passed as string to the Pay Order API.

Card Payment With Auth

    "reference": "{{orderreference}}",
    "paymentoption": "C",
    "country": "NG",
    "card": {
        "cardnumber": "5123450000784608",
        "expirymonth": "01",
        "expiryyear": "39",
        "cvv": "193"

Card Payment No Auth

    "reference": "{{orderreference}}",
    "paymentoption": "C",
    "country": "NG",
    "card": {
        "cardnumber": "5123450000784608",
        "expirymonth": "01",
        "expiryyear": "39",
        "cvv": "193",
        "authOption": "NOAUTH"