
Create Account

You should create a free TransactPay account to test the APIs. API Keys are only available after an account has been created on TransactPay.


All POST api endpoints require the data being passed to be encrypted



TransactPay requires all POST APIs payloads to be encrypted using RSA encryption PKCS#1 v1.5.

Request payload for the POST APIs are typically in the format below:

    "data": "{{rsaencrypteddata}}"

datastringthe encrypted string generated by the rsa encryption of the payload


All Responses from the APIs typically follow the same format with the data field containing custom object depending on the request being made.

    "data": {},
    "status": "success",
    "status_code": "00",
    "message": "Card order created successfully"
dataobjectcustom object returned for a request.
statusstringindicates if a request was successful or failed.success, failed, pending
status_codestringindicates if a request was successful or failed.00 - success
(see Errors page for failed code examples)
messagestringsummary of the request operation status.


Good To Know

Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON and content type for responses is application/json.